Mount Masami
Masami isn't currently up right now, we've been trying to get things running for a few years, but something always comes up. However, recently, we decided to get the team back together and get this puppy going. Currently, we're adding some new ideas in and reintroducing old ones. We should be up and running within a few weeks. If you're interested, feel free to roam Masami while we get things set up, or maybe you could even join and give us some feedback on what you'd like to see. Thank you so much for your patients and we're very very sorry!

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Mount Masami
Masami isn't currently up right now, we've been trying to get things running for a few years, but something always comes up. However, recently, we decided to get the team back together and get this puppy going. Currently, we're adding some new ideas in and reintroducing old ones. We should be up and running within a few weeks. If you're interested, feel free to roam Masami while we get things set up, or maybe you could even join and give us some feedback on what you'd like to see. Thank you so much for your patients and we're very very sorry!
Mount Masami
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Join Application Mold

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Post  Norm Thu Nov 28, 2013 9:57 pm

Join Application Mold:

The title of you Join Application when making a new topic should look like "Your Character Name - Joining preferred team" 

This is what your character application should look like:

Character Name: Your Characters Name
Characters Age: Your Characters Age
Location on Earth: The place your character came from.

Character Description: 

A full description of what your character looks like, their personality, and some basic history. This should be at least 3 paragraphs long. 

Role Play: 

Your first role play which will include how your character went from Earth onto Masami. What were they doing? How did they get here? Where did they appear? Try to finish off this role play with your character just arriving. 

We will then role play together in order to introduce your character into Masami. We will most likely post at least 3 times in here, sometimes it takes longer, sometimes shorter. It all depends. 

You will then be titled as a member of your preferred team and you will be able to post in your teams forum. You will also be allowed to role play with other members other than myself.

You can use this to help you build your character

Join Application Mold Character-development-worksheet

Link to a bigger image

Posts : 39
Join date : 2013-11-28

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